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Flappy Bird was a mobile game developed in Hanoi by Vietnamese developer Dong Nguyen and published by GEARS Studios, a small game developer.
The player controls a bird trying to fly between rows of green pipes without touching them. The scene moves laterallyte.
This game quickly began to accumulate downloads until it became the most downloaded in all app stores. After the growing success of Flappy Bird, the creator of the game announced that it would remove the game, and on February 9, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. :00 (GMT) removed it from the App Store and Google Play.
Programmed by

Agustin Suarez
Year: 2023
CTO Ventia
Systems Engineering student.

If you touch the floor YOU LOSE.

If you touch the tubes YOU LOSE.

If you touch the ceiling YOU LOSE.
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